Anti-Phishing Training and Testing

Phishing is the primary method employed by cyber criminals in targeted attacks against businesses. On the average each employee in the US receives a malicious phishing message each week.

The best way to prevent phishing attacks is to train your employees on how to identify and avoid them, and then periodically test to make sure they understand and follow the training. Our anti-phishing program provides both of these elements.

Key Program Features

  • Comprehensive and engaging, on-line training based on real-world exploits. 
  • Random testing of each employee multiple times per month using our phishing simulator. 
  • Monthly management reports of employee training and testing results. 


Continuous anti-phishing training and testing can be added to your ProCare or EnterpriseCare subscription for $5.00 per employee per month.  Use the form below to enroll your employees in the program.

Anti-Phishing Enrollment

  • Enter the names and email addresses below of the employees you would like to enroll in anti-phishing training and testing.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

91% of Targeted Cyber Attacks Begin with a Phishing Email